One of the best things is the spirit of your neighbors’ dedication to the community.
Through Granite State Future (GSF), the regional planning commissions were presented with the opportunity to utilize a collaborative approach to regional planning, share resources, and prepare and update regional plans as required by NH RSA 36:45. Each region has over the course of the last three years developed its own independent regional plan. To support the development of the nine regional plans, regional planning commissions worked collaboratively together and with many state partners to compile research on major issues and needs. As part of this process, several studies and reports were authored, and are posted below.
The Statewide Snapshot presents the compilation the nine regional plans, numerous statewide technical studies, and the robust outreach efforts conducted at the state and regional level to presents the citizens of New Hampshire with the relative priorities of different subjects across the state. (August 2015)
The Regional Plan Framework, developed through collaboration between the RPCs and the Statewide Technical Advisory Subcommittees (TASCs), presents an organizational outline for regional plans along with a suite of existing research, goals and policies available across the state. The detailed TASC research is available within the Regional Plan Framework Appendices and provided the foundation for the Framework, Statewide Existing Conditions and Trends Assessment and Common Metrics. (Revised April 15, 2013)
The Statewide Existing Conditions and Trends Assessment presents a snapshot of New Hampshire today from the perspective of the New Hampshire Livability Principles and based upon existing research of many different state agencies, non-profit organizations and RPCs. (November 1, 2013)
The Common Metrics Methodologies document lists and details the data computation methodologies for various metrics of common benefit to local, regional and state master plans based upon the initial research of the TASCs. Data and GIS resources are available to download from the Planning Metrics page and Planning Gateway GIS Viewer. (Revised December 11, 2014)
The Northern NH Report and Southern NH Report, prepared by Climate Solutions New England, present historic and projected regional climate change data for the state along with strategies to help NH communities adapt to and mitigate impacts. (April 2014)
The Equity and Engagement Checklist, prepared by the Equity and Engagement Technical Advisory Subcommittee, presents suggestions for conducting planning initatives in order to ensure maximum and equitable participation by all residents of a community or region. (December 2012)
During 2012 and 2013 NH Listens and UNH Cooperative Extension conducted a series of listening sessions across the State of New Hampshire. The Summary and Full Report present an overview of findings noting those issues of greatest importance across the state, as well as regional distinctions. (October 2013)
The Granite State Future Statewide Survey, conducted by the UNH Survey Center, queries New Hampshire resident’s opinions on a range of issues facing communities around the State. The survey of two thousand nine hundred and thirty-five (2,935) New Hampshire adults was conducted by telephone between May 9 and July 21, 2013 and has a sampling error of 2.2%. (July 2013)