What I like best: the People, Lakes, Sense of Community, Educational Opportunities, growing Cultural events.
103 Main Street, Suite #3
Meredith, NH 03253
Phone: (603) 279-8171
Fax: (603) 279-0200
The Lakes Region Plan
The Lakes Region Planning Commission created The Lakes Region Plan (aka its regional plan) in accordance with NHRSA 35:45. The commission conducted extensive public input opportunities including surveys, comment boxes, meetings, public hearings, and open houses for members of the public from our 30-town region to become involved in forming the plan. At the end of the day, our regional plan spanned over 650 pages of information, analysis and public input. Our Plan includes a glossy 12 page executive summary which our advisory committee requested to make the document more approachable for many decision-makers in our region. In addition to the executive summary, the Plan includes Telling the Story summary which includes community-based stories from throughout our region to help to encapsulate some of the most meaningful information in our larger plan. The Vision section and statement evolved during our planning process. The implementation section provides a slate of actions to move the plan forward. The body of our plan included six technical components including Economic Development, Housing, Transportation, Environmental, Natural Hazards & Climate Change, Energy Efficiency and Green Building. We also completed two scenario planning exercises including 1) a regional build-out analysis which analyzed the cumulative impact of our current landuse regulations and 2) an economic simulation model which looked at differences in two types of job creation activity. As a follow-up activity, our commission has developed a “crosswalk” document which is a simple guide on how to use the regional plan resources to update local master plans, and the commission will use this document to market our master plan update services.
A complete copy of the Lakes Region Plan can be downloaded from the LRPC website.
Plan Components Include:
Public Hearing: September 29th 2014
Plan Adopted: September 29th 2014
For additional information about our next regional plan, please contact Jerry Coogan at jcoogan@lakesrpc.org or (603) 279-8171.
What people like about the region:
Beauty of the area --- mountains, lakes and views; home grown feeling; the country atmosphere --- Meredith
Quiet rural environment --- Northfield
Clean water and clean air --- Laconia
What Could Make it Better:
More public transit --- Andover
Better Watershed management --- Holderness
Sholders on roads for bikes, more trails and public beaches --- Center Harbor
Jerry Coogan, LRPC meets with Kate Bruchacova and Richard Dow from the Lakes Region Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) at the 12th annual Laconia Multicultutal Event on Saturday August 3, 2013.
Granite State Future Survey, CNHRPC and LRPC Oversample Report, Conducted by the UNH Survey Center - July 2013