I'd like to see more work being done to promote local businesses/farms.
UVLSRPC Regional Plan 2014
Pursuant to New Hampshire RSA 36:47, the UVLSRPC Regional Plan is intended to advise the region’s 27 municipalities on matters related to the future development of the region. The plan is intended to preserve the quality of life in the region, and has been designed to direct development in accordance with the region’s existing and future needs, while maintaining the region’s traditional settlement patterns.
The plan presents a bold vision for the future of the region. However, achieving that vision will require integrating key issues facing the region, including land use, transportation, housing, economic development, natural resource conservation, and public health. The vision, goals, and strategies presented in this plan are the result of substantial input from municipal leaders and the general public. Public input included guidance from the UVLSRPC Regional Plan Advisory Committee, analysis of the 27 municipal master plans from the region’s communities, participation at special events around the region, meetings with municipal leaders, an online forum specific to the UVLSRPC region, and a telephone survey of residents of the region.
The plan is advisory in nature, purpose, and effect. Adoption of the plan by the UVLSRPC in no way changes the structure or authority of local governments. Rather, the plan is intended to strengthen the decision-making capacity of local governments by providing information and guidance that can support municipal master plans and policies. The plan recognizes the independent traditions of local government in New Hampshire and seeks to facilitate inter-municipal cooperation within the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region. The adoption of the plan means that the UVLSRPC commits its staff and program resources to achieve the plan’s goals and recommendations.
A complete copy of the UVLSRPC Regional Plan can be downloaded from the Plan website.
Plan components include:
Public Hearing: December 17, 2014; February 18, 2015
Plan Adopted: June 17, 2015
UVLSRPC Contact Information:
10 Water Street, Suite 225Lebanon, NH 03766Phone: (603) 448.1680Fax: (603) 448.0170Granite State Future Survey, SWRPC and UVLSRPC Oversample Report, Conducted by the UNH Survey Center - July 2013