More access to broadband and wi/fi would make this area better.
A Plan for New Hampshire’s North Country
North Country Council is pleased to have adopted the region’s first truly comprehensive public-participation based plan. The overarching goal of the region is to increase the number of jobs that pay a livable wage and are consistent with sustainable stewardship of the region’s natural and scenic resources and recreation opportunities. Guiding principles include sustainability, resilience, and improved health. The strategies are organized around the following themes:
Implementation has already begun in several areas.
The main body of the plan, A Plan for New Hampshire’s North Country - Regional Plan for the North Country Council Planning Region, includes a summary of the process, public engagement results, data analysis, vision, guiding principles, and strategies.
A complete copy of the Plan for New Hampshire’s North Country can be downloaded from the NCC website.
Additional plan components include:
Public Hearing: November 19, 2014
Plan Adopted: November 19, 2014
A Plan for New Hampshire's North Country
Granite State Future Survey, NCC Oversample Report, Conducted by the UNH Survey Center - July 2013
In 2012 we had great discussions around the region with residents to hear what kind of North Country we should be planning for in our work at the Council. We went to the Lancaster Fair, visited several area organizations, and held public meetings in Albany, Plymouth, Littleton, Berlin, Haverhill and Colebrook.
Click on the public workshop location below to read a summary of the discussion:
Albany Town Hall - September 25, 2012
Plymouth Town Hall - October 16, 2012
Littleton Senior Center - October 25, 2012
Berlin City Hall - November 1, 2012
Haverhill Municipal Building - November 8, 2012
Colebrook Town Office - November 27, 2012
Contact us if you would be willing to host a discussion in your community or at a meeting of your organization. We want to hear from as many residents as possible!
For more information: TBamford@NCCouncil.org
Phone: (603) 444-6303, ext. 26
North Country Council
The Rocks Estate
107 Glessner Road
Bethlehem, NH 03574