I love that we have green spaces, a local working farm and a farmer's market and are still close to the city.
For information about the Commission visit our website at http://www.rpc-nh.org/
156 Water Street, Exeter, NH 03833 Phone: (603) 778-0885 Fax: (603) 778-9183
Contact us by email at email@rpc-nh.org
The Rockingham Planning Commission Regional Plan
The Rockingham Planning Commission’s draft Regional Master Plan has been prepared in accordance with RSA 36:47 which requires that all RPCs in New Hampshire prepare a “comprehensive master plan for the development of the region.” The Plan, which is organized in a similar manner to local master plans, is an advisory document for the municipalities in our region. It includes sections on the region’s vision and goals, an overview of the key issues and planning challenges which the region faces, and a set of topical chapters with recommendations about future planning and development in the region. The plan is designed to serve two purposes: to be a resource and set of recommendations to guide planning boards and other local land use boards for use in their own municipal planning efforts, and second, to facilitate coordinated planning among municipalities, the RPC and other state and regional organizations to address key issues in the region. Many of the central problems and opportunities facing the region in areas of transportation, water quality, economic development, housing and hazard mitigation, aren’t confined by municipal boundaries and can be most effectively addressed on a regional basis.
In preparing the Plan, RPC staff researched, updated and compiled information about the region’s demographics, resources, conditions and trends. In addition, a significant effort was placed on gathering input from residents and planning stakeholders and of the region. This included a comprehensive review of the policies of all existing community master plans in the region, a series of public workshops on key topics, a series of outreach discussions with specific stakeholder groups, and both random sample and self reported opinion surveys.
The Plan’s vision for the region is for a high quality of life represented by a strong regional economy, distinct community character, and outstanding natural and cultural resources. Its policies and recommendations are consistent with State policies on economic growth, resource protection and planning as articulated in RSA 9-B and reflect the core policies of the Planning Commission which promote the quality and vitality of our region, and advocate development that is efficient, sustainable and supportive the regional vision.
A complete copy of the The Rockingham Planning Commission Regional Plan can be downloaded from RPC’s website.
Plan components Include:
Public Informational Meeting and Plan Presentation: November 24, 2014
Public Hearing: December 10, 2014
Plan Adoption: April 8, 2015
RPC's Calendar of Activities
June 24, 2013 - Granite State Future Open House at the Exeter High School
Details about our Open House event will be posted here soon.
May 23, 2013 - NH Listens public meeting at Sanborn Regional High School
At RPC's public meeting hosted by NH Listens 53 attendees participated in lively and engaged discussion about issues important to them and their quality of life.
December 8, 2012 and January 12, 2013 - Exeter Winter Farmers Markets
Staff of the Rockingham Planning Commission attended the first Winter Farmers Market of the 2012-2013 season in Exeter on December 8th. The market exceeded its previous highest attendance record for the day with shoppers lined up at the door for the 10:00am opening.
With posters, brochures and comments cards at the ready, RPC staff engaged many shoppers in discussion about the Granite State Future project – Planning Solutions for Southeastern NH. Comments cards submitted at this event reflect the diversity of the region yet focused on common themes – the unique central location of southeastern NH to the amenities and resources New England offers, particularly the seacoast, and the open spaces and farms of seacoast NH.
Here’s what people said about living in southeastern and seacoast NH!
What is best about this area?
What could make this area even better?
The Rockingham Planning Commission Regional Plan
Granite State Future Survey, Rockingham RPC Oversample Report, Conducted by the UNH Survey Center - July 2013